OUR MISSION:     To make disciples of Jesus Christ through God's Spoken Word.

OUR VALUES:        Worshipful - focusing on God, celebrating and praising Him alone!

                                    Biblical - proclaiming, hearing, and applying of Scriptures.

                                    Prayerful - total dependence on the power of God.

                                    Relational - a true family of God.

                                    Evangelical - intentional in reaching out to others with the Good News!

All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, we will emphasize the hearing of the Word of God, for faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). For the most part, Messages will be expository. Scriptural passages will be proclaimed in context. People should understand why that text exists. 

Biblical principles in context of the passage will then be shared. These biblical principles will then be applied to our daily lives. The final portion of the message will be a challenge to all Christians to review those biblical principles and apply them in daily living. Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

We will proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ (He died for our sins; He was buried; He rose from the dead, He will return to earth soon) and that salvation is by grace alone!

Truth comes from the preaching of God’s Word. We are to give honor to God in our worship. Everything we do in our worship must focus on God alone through Jesus Christ!

Worship of God is to be every day, not just on Sundays!

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