THEOPNEUSTOS (Inspired = God Breathed!)

We are blessed that you are visiting us through this site!

Answer daily or all at one sitting....
If you like to share and have interaction, email me all your answers on Friday to

1. Read 1 Corinthians 7:12-24……….

2. Christians are to marry other Christians. If already married and one becomes a Christian and the spouse doesn’t, should the Christian leave the unbeliever?

3. What is the role of the Believer if the unbelieving spouse leaves?

4. What are 2 major points from v17-24?

5. We are to be content with what God has presently given us; does this mean we are never to change our situations?

6. What is the most important point in this passage?

We are no longer meeting publicly as a group, but this site will continue for your encouragement as Followers of Jesus Chirst.

Should you have a question, email Paul Clemente at

We were previously All Nations Bible Church.
The name was changed to reflect how God has moved us.

Click on a TAB on the right side column for more information.



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